Kaiārahi - Navigators


Our kaiārahi are here to support whānau to achieve their aspirations. Kaiārahi work alongside individuals and whānau to find what is important to them and make plans based on their own strengths, aspirations and goals. Whānau-centred in their mahi, the kaiārahi will support people and their whānau to navigate barriers that may be preventing them from leading the healthy lifestyles they want to.

Often beginning with a cuppa tea in our nan’s chair, sometimes we meet with the whānau, sometimes with just one member of the whānau. These initial hui are where trust and whanaungatanga happen, where we can get to know each other and learn about where the whānau is, what has or has not worked in the past, and what the aspirations of the person and whānau are. Together our aim is to set achievable goals for whānau by whānau. We can then tailor our programmes to meet their specific needs.

Our missions when working with whānau are to:

  • Positively change whānau narratives

    • Follow the cornerstones of Te Whare Tapa Whā

    • Educate by example and offer alternative ways of wellbeing

    • Provide opportunities to discover and share with others

  • Reduce negative health indicators for whānau impacted by chronic health conditions

    • Encouragement to build physical activity into whānau and recreation time

    • Collaborate and explore initiatives to reach more people with relevant support

    • Support awareness and understanding of the impact of chronic health conditions

  • Create opportunities where whānau feel supported to become self-managing

    • Embrace intergenerational participation from pēpi to kaumātua

    • Foster and empower growth and self-awareness

    • Provide an environment where whānau can share and explore challenges outside their comfort zones


Kori Tinana - Rōpū Training


Hauora Coaching