Our People


Cate (The Chief) aka our Kaiurungi

With a belt of skills like you have never seen before Cate can turn her hand to anything, whether it be a session or guiding you in making a life decision. She is the chief, the CEO and loves to challenge comfort zones. She has a heart of gold and a special ability to connect, understand and empower those of any walk of life. She strongly advocates for those who face adversity and always has many idea pots cooking.

Also: tea fixes everything. And most recently, so does Lego.


Riwai (Tutuman)

A strong leader in our community, Riwai always has his hand up to help others. His values, leadership, generosity and mana reflect the essence of our gentle giant. His mantra is to inspire one person off the couch to make a change. He will kick your butt in a boxing session, sharing his special counting skills and giving out ‘rewards’ usually in the form of press ups, however, he will then walk you to the car and always leaves you with a smile.

Also: give this man a flat white and you have a friend for life. He’s known to wear a tutu for a good cause too.

Lou (The Boss) aka Our Kaihautū

The one the team would be lost without; Lou is Cate’s right-hand woman. From admin and management to client care, she is the one in the know. Connection and whānau are important to this self-professed extrovert, whether it’s a chat over a cup of tea, a walk around the block or competing at an event, Lou is always there and always willing to help. She goes over and beyond to ensure that everyone is cared for and their needs met.

Also: always loses her keys and will remind you about macrons. Cooks a mean feed on whānau days.

Sophie - Kaitūhono


Siani - Kaitūhono


Sarah - Kaitūhono


Amber - Kaitūhono


Josh - Kaitūhono


Helen - Kaiawhina


Mike (Our Mārākai Intern)


Grey (Our Wizard)

Joining us in 2020, it was Grey’s first year of high school and also their first job. Sometimes quiet around the office, you never know when their wit will come out! They work hard, are a fast learner and despite their youth, are a committed member of the team.

Also: they may run away with the circus.


Aisha (Our Apprentice Wizard)

Joining us in 2023, it is Aisha’s first year of high school and also their first job. Sometimes quiet you can see some leadership skills already shining through

Also: they may play for the Black Sticks

Hudson- Rangatahi Kaiawhina


Will - Rangatahi Kaiawhina


Emma- Rangatahi Kaiawhina


Nana Jude and Kiwi Pops




Koro Bill and Nanny Linley


Te Ao Marama - Cultural Advisor


Miru - Cultural Advisor


Janeen - Whānau Advisor
