He Korowai Whānau

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He Korowai Whānau is a collaborative wrap around service, working with children under 7 years old and their whānau. At least one whānau member, sibling, or the child in the household will have lived experience of chronic health, injury, disability, adversity or other lifestyle conditions.

We understand that with the right support that whānau can discover their own answers. It is important to us that our team focus is to create an environment that fosters achievable change.

Each He Korowai Whānau support begins with whanaungatanga with a tūhono – relationship and trust building with their connector – so that we can work closely with whānau to support them in reaching their wellbeing | hauora goals. The pou of He Korowai Whānau is that throughout the programme even if other services are required to support the whānau, the tūhono remains alongside to ensure they are supported throughout and changes can be realised.

Our tamariki are one of our most precious groups and need to be given the opportunity to thrive and follow their own moemoeā | aspirations. During this time whānau can become overwhelmed and can often feel isolated. This free service is about keeping our whānau connected and supported to engage in activities that are meaningful to them.

Our Tūhuno Hapori regularly check in on our whānau. Even in the event of a change to COVID-19 alert levels we are able to offer virtual support using phone, text and online platforms to provide at home resources to support whānau with living well.

Our aim is that whānau change will be sustainable and they will continue to enjoy activities and healthy lifestyle choices. after our service exits.

For more information email lou@whanauwhanake.org or contact us via our referral form.

Referral to He Korowai Whānau


He Korowai Kaumātua


Hauora Wānanga and Noho